Friday, April 15, 2016

falafels, tahini, and mint lemonade

In 2014, I had the incredible opportunity to go to Israel. It was one of the most incredible experiences of my life. During that trip, I gained an appreciation and deeper love for many things. Since this blog is about food...I'll focus on that. I learned that I LOVE Mediterranean food! It was so delicious and I loved trying all of it...except the olives. I just don't do olives.

A year later, the group we toured with had a reunion and the Pack's (a couple we had traveled with) had been working to perfect their recipes. While I haven't made these myself yet, I'm excited to try them out! 


1 lb. (2 cups) dried garbanzo beans 2 tsp. cumin
1 small onion, chopped 1 tsp. coriander
1/4  c. fresh parsley, chopped or cilantro 1⁄4 tsp. black pepper
3 - 5 cloves garlic (roasted) Pinch ground cardamon
Oil for frying Avocado, grape seed, or coconut 1½ tsp. salt

Cover beans with 3” water and let soak overnight.
Drain and rinse well.  Place in a food processor with all the herbs and spices.
Pulse until mixture texture is between couscous and a pesto, still granular.
Refrigerate for 1-2 hours.
Press into 1 ½ inch balls and deep-fat fry for 2 to 3 minutes until golden brown and cooked through.  About 30 balls

Dip balls in sesame seeds before frying or add 2/3 tsp. turmeric

Place falafel balls in pita bread with chopped cucumbers and a tomatoes, humus, feta cheese and smother with creamy tahini sauce.


1⁄4 c. tahini 1⁄4 tsp. ground coriander
½ c. plain yogurt 1⁄4 c. fresh lemon juice
1 small garlic clove 2 or 3 slices cucumber
Salt to taste

Place ingredients in blender and blend completely.  Just before serving, blend a few sprigs of cilantro and let meld a few minutes. Adjust seasoning to taste.  Keeps about 4 days refrigerated.  Makes a yummy salad dressing.


2/3 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice 2 c. water
1 cup sugar (sugar to taste) 6 c. crushed ice cubes
8 - 12 fresh mint leaves

The above is simply a starting guide.  Place all ingredients in a blender to make a slush.  Adjusts flavors to meet your taste.  It should be a pleasant refreshing drink.

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